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News & Research Highlights
Climate-related news and research highlights from NOAA and its partners
641-650 of 1492 results
U. S. CLIVAR releases research challenge on climate at the coasts, aligning with current CPO activities
August 11, 2021
Home to 13 of the 20 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, our nation’s coasts face hurricanes, sea level rise, coastal erosion, natural resource depletion and more. A new white paper lists ways to better understand these complex, vulnerable ecosystems.
Western drought crisis webinar summary and recording now available
August 3, 2021
In response to the record-breaking drought, the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) joined federal, state, tribal and local partners in hosting a drought webinar specifically for western communities on July 20. The webinar, which now has a summary and recording available, provided the latest information on drought conditions and federal response efforts.
Evaluation of California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment regional reports for San Diego and the Sierra Nevada released
August 3, 2021
For the first time, California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment included nine regional reports, including reports on San Diego and Sierra Nevada. The California Nevada Climate Applications Program evaluated the regional reports’ development and use.
Recent report showcases business disruption and recovery in southeast Texas post Hurricane Harvey
August 3, 2021
Lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey may help disaster professionals better support preparing for extreme events across the United States. A new report offers insights for businesses and nonprofits in Port Arthur and Beaumont, Texas.
How do changes in surface temperature influence South Asian summer monsoons?
August 3, 2021
Among the most important summer climate events in the Northern Hemisphere, the South Asian summer monsoon affects more than a billion people. A new study measures how changes in global mean surface temperature will affect the monsoon.
Improved modeling of soil NOx emissions helps explain differences in observed trends
August 3, 2021
Nitrogen oxide is an air pollutant with health and environmental consequences, so researchers try to accurately gauge human-caused NOx emissions. Emission inventories and satellite observations have given different estimates of NOx. A new study shows the source of the discrepancy
Human activities responsible for rapid increase in Earth's heat
July 31, 2021
Human activity has driven a positive trend in Earth’s energy imbalance, increasing the planet’s heat storage. This is the conclusion of a new study by Princeton University and NOAA researchers.
California-Nevada RISA collaborates with American Planning Association on climate resilience report
July 31, 2021
NOAA has worked with the American Planning Association to produce a new report proposing a framework for climate resilience planning in the San Diego region. Some of the threats covered in the report are unique to the region; some threats have already happened in other U.S. regions.
Updated Climate Explorer now offers projections for the entire United States
July 31, 2021
The latest version of the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit’s Climate Explorer now offers climate projections for every county in the entire United States. The recent addition of climate projection data for Hawai'i and U.S. island territories in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea complements the tool’s original contiguous U.S (CONUS) coverage and the addition of data for Alaska in 2020.
Comparing the absorption power of smoke from fires in the western United States and southern Africa
July 31, 2021
Besides implications for air quality and health, wildfires affect climate. A study designed to uncover the climate effects of wildfire smoke found that smoke from wildfires in the western United States absorbs less sunlight than smoke from wildfires in southern Africa.
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