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Today is the last day of November, so in a couple days we will have the data to see how good CPC's November 2014 outlook was.  Later on, check out the verification pages that I've linked in the comments to evaluate the quality of all of CPC's past outlooks.  You are correct that in providing a percentage chance we are not ruling out any outcome, but at the same time we are providing the user information on how much we prefer in a certain outcome (e.g. a 55% chance of above average temperatures).  We believe that given the large uncertainty in seasonal prediction, this is a more honest approach than telling the user "it will be warm."  However, if the user would prefer to have their climate outlooks in degrees Fahrenheit, one can use the mostly likely or median prediction (the 50% tile) to obtain this information, but keep in mind that there is an equal chance the observations will occur below or above this value. We provide these maps here (for preciptiation and other seasons see the side bar):…