Weather Stations: Temperature and Pressure
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association

Children discover the relationship between temperature and pressure in the lower atmospheres of Jupiter and Earth. They chart the increasing temperature as they add pressure to a 2-liter soda bottle with a Fizz-Keeper Pump.
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Some discussion questions may need to be adapted due to the fact that the Juno Mission has been launched and is currently still orbiting Jupiter (until July 2021 according to NASA). This demonstration is part of a [link'"Weather Station"'] set, however, it can stand alone. The "My Trip to Jupiter" journal is not required to complete the activity, as there is a link to the relevant handout pages. However, if multiple activities from the series are going to be done the journal may be useful. Safety considerations with pressurized bottles should be highlighted before beginning the activity. The activity is easy to follow and includes facilitator notes and links to print student sheets. There is a 40 page Jupiter activity book with math, literacy, art, and science activities.