Surging Seas Risk Finder
Climate Central

This is a multi-step, interactive tool for users to identify potential risks (to people, buildings, infrastructure, contamination, land) for selected coastal areas in the US, using scenarios of water level rising (as a result of tides, sea level rise, and storm surge) from 0-10 feet. Tool provides local, regional and national resources as guidance for managing risk.
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The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
Excellent resource for students examining potential impacts of rising waters on local coastal communities. Have students use the full-feature map instead of the default map. Other aspects of local flood risk are featured in this view. Direct students to begin their exploration by resetting the water level to "show current coast." Then have them increase sea level by 1 or 2 feet to explore the changes/flooding that will occur in that region. Educators should be familiar with the navigation and how students are going to interact with the visualization, before introducing the tool to students.