GLOBE: From Weather to Climate - Looking at Air Temperature Data
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Students will work with short-term and long-term air temperature data in order to better understand the differences between weather and climate.
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The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
The earlier activities would be more appropriate for upper elementary, but most of the activities are more appropriate for middle and high school levels. It is also likely that these activities will take younger students more time to go through, so more than two class periods would be recommended for younger students. Note that the resource is very comprehensive but also long (30+ pages), so it will take the instructor some time to read through this lesson. Reviewers recommend reading and teaching in parts and not all at once. The last activity involves the use of a plug-in for Google Earth to look at long-term data sets, this plug-in may not be available, although the data can be [link 'found here']. Reviewers recommend that the instructor tries this activity out ahead of time so they can assist students with questions. This resource is geared for middle and high school and intro college. An upper elementary teacher can select Activity 1 but likely no further. At the discretion of the teacher, they may pick sections that are appropriate for the level represented and add activities as extensions.