Decoding Antarctica's Climate History - Antarctica's Climate Secrets
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications

This 10 minute video builds connections between topics that are important in climate science such as: the impact of variations in Earth's orbit and wobble on it's axis on climate; how the cores being sampled fit into the bigger climate picture; connecting greenhouse gases to melting ice and sea level changes; the sensitivity of the ice melt / sea level rise relationship; and computer model simulations showing connections between ice sheets and sea level. The companion website provides resources, an extensive list of activities, teacher guides, posters, and more.
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The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
The video is a stand alone learning tool about how climate change over geologic time was revealed through information in ocean sediment cores. Consider using the companion classroom lesson, not included with the video link but included here: [link's_Climate_History.pdf] Teachers will likely need to develop a video viewing guide for students to capture key information as they view the video. The reviewers were disappointed that all 4 scientists shown were male. We recognize the importance of showcasing diversity among all the types of people that can be successful and influential scientists. Teachers should balance this video with others that show women, minorities, and younger people to illustrate that science is open to all.