C-ROADS: World Climate Simulator
Climate Interactive

C-ROADS is a simplified version of a climate simulator. Its primary purpose is to help users understand the long-term climate effects (CO2 concentrations, global temperature, sea level rise) of various customized actions to reduce fossil fuel CO2 emissions, reduce deforestation, and grow more trees. Students can ask multiple, customized what-if questions and understand why the system reacts as it does.
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Educators will have to provide students with enough background material to help them create interesting scenarios. Encourage students to run a set of scenarios that allows them to compare the results of different policy options. Suggest reading the Briefing, Introduction, and FAQ ([https://support.climateinteractive.org/support/solutions/47000420907]) sections and decide the concepts you want the learners to emphasize. Instructors should spend some time playing with the simulator before using it in class. For high-school learners, more scaffolding would be needed.