Communicating Climate 2: Literary Representations of Climate Change
Jennifer Hanselman (Westfield State University), Rick Oches (Bentley University), Jennifer Silko (Pennsylvania State University), Laura Wright (Western Carolina University), InTeGrate, SERC

This activity explores how the topic of climate change is represented in various forms of writing, from scholarly articles to opinion pieces and works of fiction. While the content does not emphasize climate science itself, it instead allows students to focus on how the science is being portrayed.
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This activity may be applicable in a wide range of different climate science courses, units, etc. in high school and college. This assignment could be used in a science class to broaden communication skills, or it could be used in a humanities or writing course to strengthen science skills. The activity is deliberately designed to be used either way. This activity can follow Unit 2 (of the InTeGrate module Climate Science and Literacy Texts), or it can be taught as a stand-alone unit that focuses on literary terminology, climate change issues as represented in fiction, and rhetorical analysis. Educator should be sure to have a scientist/mentor, if their background in climate science is weak, to answer questions that may arise.