Climate Variability in the Equatorial Pacific
Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado, InTeGrate, SERC

In this activity, students work with climate data from the tropical Pacific Ocean to understand how sea-surface temperature and atmospheric pressure affect precipitation in the tropical Pacific in a case study format.
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It would be useful for instructors to show a larger map (that includes the continents) in the very beginning of the unit so students can better visualize the part of the ocean the activity is focused on. This activity can be taught in a jigsaw format, with different groups of students examining separate types of data, and then sharing their findings. Alternatively, educators can skip the jigsaw format and have the students look at all three data types. This activity can be paired with Case Study 2.2 in this unit, [link] This activity can be used prior to an introduction to the El Niño - Southern Oscillation, which is Unit 3 in this module [link]. Suggestions to the instructor are included in the activity overview.