Improved predictability of air-sea interactions between Arctic and tropical zones

Captured by the Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard NASA’s Aqua satellite, this shows the region affected by the Meiyu front on December 2, 2022. Credit: Worldview
The Meiyu front, or a relatively stable meteorological zone stretching from the east coasts of China and Taiwan to southern Japan, serves as a barrier between Arctic and tropical circulation, playing a large role in determining weather and climate in the region. The front is occasionally disturbed during the summer months with eastward moving precipitation and waves at a scale of about 1,000 km. How this pattern may change with rising global temperatures is unknown, but a new study, partially funded by the Climate Program Office’s Climate Variability & Predictability (CVP) Program, analyzes 18 CMIP-6 climate models to make progress on this question.
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