2022 U.S. Climate Ambition Report now available

1991-2020 climate normals for total precipitation in the contiguous United States. Lightest precipitation is pale green and heaviest precipitation is dark blue. Credit: NOAA Climate.gov
On December 29, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) submitted its 2022 U.S. Climate Ambitions Report. The 2022 U.S. Climate Ambition Report is the Eighth National Communication and Fifth Biennial Report of the United States to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It summarizes a series of policies and measures the United States has taken that will contribute to achieving its nationally determined contribution (NDC) target and the report also provides information regarding a range of actions undertaken by the United States to support adaptation and build resilience to the impacts of climate change in the United States, and to support climate action internationally. It reflects not only actions by the federal government, but those of a wide range of stakeholders engaged in taking action, building awareness, and advancing cutting-edge science and technology to enhance global climate efforts.
Read more at the link below.