File name: Global_February2022_tempanom_map_graph_1000.png
Original Resolution: 1000 × 1029
File Size: 394 KB (MIME Type: image/png)
(top) February 2022 temperatures compared to the 1981-2010 average, with warmer-than-average places colored red, and cooler-than-average places colored blue. Extreme temperature contrasts were visible across the Northern Hemisphere, with North America significantly cooler than average and Europe and much of Asia significantly warmer than average. (bottom) Bar graph of each February's temperature compared to the 20th-century average between 1880 and 2022. Below-average Februaries are blue; above-average Februaries are red. The February warming trend over the full period of record is 0.81 degrees Celsius (1.46 degrees Fahrenheit) per century. NOAA Climate.gov, based on data from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.